Chapter 525: Have Been Wanting to Beat You Hard (5)_1

Yang Anshi was completely dumbfounded, sitting on the ground with her eyes wide open in horror without reacting for a long time, and her left cheek swelled at a visibly rapid pace.

The onlookers were all stunned as well, no one had expected Yang Ruxin to dare to hit Yang Anshi, and to hit so fiercely at that.

Yang Baixiang took a step forward, but ultimately stopped, not saying a word, while Dong Family was so frightened that she forgot to cry.

"Oh my heavens, this is appalling, Yang Dani hit her own grandmother, such a damned wretch..." Yang Anshi came to her senses and started wailing dramatically, but as soon as she cried out, another slap flew at her with a smack.

Now both sides of her face were swollen, symmetrical at last.

"You..." Yang Peili's eyes were bulging out, "You rebellious thing, you're asking for divine punishment... That's your grandma, how could you dare?" he said, stepping forward to raise his hand to discipline Yang Ruxin.