Chapter 544: Consensus (8)_1

Gu Yao felt helpless and could only prompt everyone to follow, then he chased after Yang Ruxin into Dragon Eye Peak. However, just after passing through a wooded area, they heard a heaven-shattering roar of a tiger ahead.

Gu Yao and the others were stunned, even Dao Xuzi couldn't help but take a deep breath. Outside the woods in a small clearing, a white tiger and a mottled yellow tiger were locked in a fierce battle, too close to call.

The white tiger was somewhat smaller and, despite its ferocity, was constantly being suppressed by its opponent. If this went on for too long, it would surely lose.

Just as he thought of this, the yellow tiger suddenly bit into Dabai's neck.

Dabai tried several times to shake the other off, but blood was already trickling down its neck.

Of course, seeing tigers fight in the mountains wasn't unusual, but what surprised everyone was that Yang Ruxin, along with Xiaobai, dashed straight into the fray.