Chapter 592: Escaped (8)_1

Yang Ruxin was really dumbfounded. She truly didn't know how to deal with this little girl. If it were an adult, she could simply go up and slap her several times and then send her to the Governor's Office, but this was just a child, not even six years old. How could she lay a hand on her?

At that moment, people in the courtyard, having heard the noise, followed out.

"Daya, is it really you?" Sanni exclaimed, "You actually dared to use poison, you're too terrifying..."

"Go to the Governor's Office and turn yourself in," Yang Ruxin took a deep breath. "You're still young, your mother and grandparents are all right, so..."

"Why should they? Why should they not die? Why should you send me to the Governor's Office? I don't want to go." Daya fell to her knees. "Big cousin sister, please take me in. I really can work..."

"Daya, you..." Xun Hui looked at Daya in shock. "Where have you run off to? Do you even know..."

She couldn't finish her sentence.