Chapter 616: Benefactor (10)_1

"Mother, please don't worry, you're pregnant with a little brother." Li Xiang hastily helped her mother stand up, "Xinxin just gave you a couple of needles…"

"Really?" After a moment of astonishment, Wang Hehua suddenly placed her hands on her lower abdomen, then widened her eyes at Yang Ruxin, "I really…"

"My master has confirmed it, but your pregnancy is still not full term, so you have to be especially careful these next few days, you can't get agitated, upset, or do any vigorous activity… It's best to rest more, and then supplement with some…" Yang Ruxin paused, she wanted to say vitamins and folic acid, but then she remembered these people wouldn't have a clue, so she simply waved her hand, "Later I'll help you prepare some medicinal food and medicine pills, to ensure you have a healthy and chubby baby…"

"Xinxin." At this moment, Li Zhong wiped away a tear and suddenly knelt down, "You are my benefactor, I…"