Chapter 724: I'm waiting for him (5)_1

"Yang Ruxin, always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Women are meant to be married off anyway, I'll marry her after I've slept with her..." Unable to walk away, Wang Wu simply squatted down on the ground. After all, he found that the little green snake wasn't biting him. His brain was much simpler than his brother's, not clouded with complicated thoughts. What he thought, he'd say, "Besides, I already felt her chest just now, so small... but I don't mind..."

"Shut up..." Guan Qingyue suddenly roared, then picked up a stone and threw it over.

"Ouch!" The stone hit Wang Wu right in the forehead, immediately drawing blood. He cried out, looked at the blood on his hand, and got angry, "Getting cocky for what? If you weren't the Scholar's sister, would I fancy you? Let me tell you, you should feel lucky if I want to sleep with you..." He turned to look at Yang Ruxin, "Aren't you just another piece of ass? Just wait. Once my brother has had you, you'll... Ouch..."