Chapter 774: Guan Qingyue (5)_1

The transport team left, days continued to slide forward, and the weather turned increasingly cold.

By the latter part of the month, someone from the Fang Family arrived—it was Liuyun, bringing news. After returning, Yuan Mengzhu had selected an auspicious date, declaring that the 26th of the month was a good day. Thus, it was settled that this would be the day for acknowledging god relatives. In addition, four sets of brand-new dresses and two sets of headdresses, one embedded with rubies and the other with pearls, both quite expensive, were sent over.

Yang Ruxin wasn't pretentious; she returned two large packs of medicinal tea and then declined the offer to be picked up, stating that she would head there early herself.

Liuyun didn't dwell on it; receiving the message, she immediately returned.

No sooner had Liuyun left than Guan Qingyue arrived.