However, after admiring him for a few moments, Yang Ruxin left; she still preferred someone like Gu Qingheng from her home, handsome but not at all effeminate, This man gave her a slightly feminine feeling.
Dao Xuzi arrived quickly, "You really know how to keep me busy."
"That's your compensation," Yang Ruxin pointed to the jackals. "Doesn't your secret Power Pill recipe require jackal meat? And this..." she said, as she pulled out the Broken Heart Red from her pocket.
"My god..." Dao Xuzi became instantly excited.
Yang Ruxin didn't hand it to him, instead, she gestured towards the house.
Dao Xuzi rushed into the room and came out after about half an hour, "He won't die now, he should wake up by midnight, and after resting for a couple of days, he'll be jumping around alive and well." After saying this, he looked eagerly at Yang Ruxin.
Yang Ruxin then took out the Broken Heart Red and handed it over.