Chapter 880: The Ignorant Villagers (2)

Only Little Ganzi was confirmed to be Old Ganzi's son.

As for the woman who had borne four sons for the Sun Family, she was still locked on Old Ganzi's kang bed, naked all year round. No one recognized her anymore, but did that matter? As long as she was a woman who men could fool around with, that was all that mattered.

In the village, there were many families who could not afford to buy a woman. As the village head, Old Ganzi would show his "charity" by allowing people to have their way with that woman on his kang bed in exchange for some food and drink.

He claimed it was to satisfy the villagers' cravings—after all, good fortune was something to be shared. Astonishingly, no one saw anything wrong with this. Some even thought the village head was quite generous. As a result, Old Ganzi maintained considerable prestige in the village.