Shadow Three and Shadow Seven stopped talking; indeed, seizing the embroidered ball was not an easy task, after all, many martial artists from Wulin had come this time. Their martial arts skills were certainly good, but when it came down to it, they wouldn't dare claim they were a sure bet within Wulin.
"Maybe that Miss Wan from Wan County is really blind," Du Juan suddenly said, out of the blue.
All present were stunned.
Yang Ruxin was the first to recover, "Haha... what a precise observation."
Shadow Seven touched his nose and gave Du Juan a glance. Was this girl really going for the jugular like that?
"Alright, let's eat first," Yang Ruxin patted his stomach, "and then rest a bit before going out for a walk."
Upon hearing this, Du Man went out to ask Xiao'er to bring in some food.