Gu Yao twisted his lips to the side and thought to himself, "Old Eighth, where is your dignity?"
Qi Jingyi naturally saw Gu Yao's expression and slightly raised his eyebrows in response. He had always been flexible in his ways.
Xinxin was already spoken for, and although he had once been moved by her, he had long since put those thoughts to rest. That girl wasn't ordinary, and he would not do anything to make her hate him.
Glancing at Qi Jingchen, the Crown Prince needed to cement his position. There were so many reforms to implement, people's lives to improve, officials to promote, soldiers to reward, and now the frontier to stabilize... All of which required silver, and lots of it.
Yang Ruxin was someone who could bring him substantial profits.
Just listening to what Gu Qingheng had described earlier, he could predict the future popularity, because today's table had spicy dishes that were far more fragrant than before.