Chapter 36 Sensible Girl_1

Sun Erhu, fearing that Tan Zhenghong might feel upset, quickly changed the subject.

Thinking of Qiao Duo'er, who had just married into the village, he started telling her about the situation in the village.

It wasn't long before the dumplings were ready to be cooked.

Sun Erhu volunteered to start the fire with enthusiasm, while Qiao Duo'er was happy to relax. Having been here for only two days, Qiao Duo'er felt as though she had done all the housework of her previous life.

Sighing, she knew that to survive, she had to change herself and adapt to life here.

So far, she was quite satisfied with her performance.

Suddenly, she saw Da Ya and Er Ya, two little girls, squatting at the doorway picking vegetables, looking pitifully thin.

Qiao Duo'er gestured to them, and the two girls, shy and wary, hesitated for a while before shuffling over.

"Fourth Auntie, do you have any chores for us to do?" Da Ya asked timidly.