Chapter 87 Isn't it just more work?_1

Wang Clan cried even louder, "They say 'raise sons for your old age,' but when I make my son do a bit more work, he complains like this. Does he even consider me his mother anymore?"

"Fourth Boss, I've wronged you, I don't deserve to be a mother, I might as well die, as long as you forgive me, that's all I want."

Wang Clan took a breath, then continued bawling.

Wiping away tears, she began walking toward the wall.

Being bullied by a daughter-in-law who had just stepped through the door, what was the point in living? She might as well be dead!

Qiao Duo'er rolled her eyes silently; with that speed, was she really trying to hit the wall?

She wouldn't die from that, probably wouldn't even get a bruise, please, if you're going to act, put some heart into it!

Qiao Duo'er grabbed the back of Wang Clan's clothes and said indifferently, "You just promised with your own lips to sever your relationship with Fourth Boss, how come now you can't accept losing?"

Why act so innocent now?