Chapter 123: You Owe Me a Wedding_1

Tan Zhenghong weakly said, "Wife, can you put on your clothes?"

"It's too hot, I don't want to. Let me check your leg first."

As Qiao Duo'er sat on the edge of the bed, Tan Zhenghong felt a pang of pain in his leg and couldn't help but gasp, "Are you... are you trying to murder me?"

Qiao Duo'er said innocently, "I was just pinching to see how the bone is healing. That's it, you won't need a splint anymore, and I've also solved the trouble I caused."

Hmph, she seemed to do it on purpose!

But she controlled her strength well, just causing Tan Zhenghong a momentary pain without damaging the freshly healed bone.

Well... I should still look for where that sheet went tomorrow.

Tan Zhenghong anxiously said, "Wife, didn't you say we'd consummate the marriage once my leg healed?"

"I've changed my mind now, hmph, did you think just by spending One Tael of Silver to buy me back that I would be your wife? There wasn't even a wedding!"