Chapter 370 Fierce Duo'er_1

"Please come this way," said the owner.

The owner personally led the customers to the fitting room, which was quite simple, with cloth curtains separating the spaces.

Qiao Duo'er and Tan Zhenghong each entered a fitting room, and when Qiao Duo'er came out, both Daniu and Yang Ruoruo let out an exclamation.

At that moment, the only word in their minds was beautiful; she was stunning like a celestial being!

"Sister Duo'er, if I were a man, I would definitely marry you!"

Hearing Daniu's exclamation, Tan Zhenghong also looked their way.

In that instant, his eyes saw only Qiao Duo'er, and everything else was irrelevant to him.

Qiao Duo'er walked up to Tan Zhenghong. "Quick, tell me if I look good."

Tan Zhenghong hurriedly nodded. "My wife always looks the prettiest!"

"Brother Zheng Hong, Ruo Ruo and I are still here," Daniu pointed out, clearing her throat. Actually, they were all close, so it wasn't a big deal if they saw each other.