
Yue Ning greeted the morning light with a loud cry, startling Second Brother into a shiver.

Shu Yu: "..."

Everyone sat on the rooftop, giggling, as the sun rose in the east, its golden rays sprinkling down upon them.

Beautiful, truly beautiful!

Dong Huiying smiled idiotically, her foolish grin never fading as she snuggled into Big Brother Liang Zhichen's embrace, with Yixuan using her legs as a pillow. To her left was Yue Ning, to her right, Haoming. Shujun also leaned in again, stretching out her arms to wrap everyone up in a hug, with a childlike smile plastered on her face.

Seeing this, Shu Yu's hand twitched ever so slightly. Then, from behind Big Brother, she too slowly extended her arms, and together with her twin Shujun, they circled everyone up, front and back.