He suddenly looked at her; though his face remained mostly expressionless, if one were to look closely, one could discover that he was actually feeling somewhat aggrieved.

Did she only care about Third Brother, only had feelings for Third Brother, not caring about him, not having feelings for him at all?

No, she smiled so tenderly, she was helping him apply medicine, she did care, she did have feelings, but Third Brother weighed much more in her heart.

"It was him." It was him who bullied him first!

Suddenly, a small hand rested on his head, he gently blinked, and looked at her.

She was touching his head, soothing him, "I know, this must have been started by your Third Brother, but fighting with him puts you at a disadvantage! Look, you are hurt much more than Shujun."

Lao Si gave her a lingering look, "Did you also apply medicine for Third Brother?"


Lao Si tightened the corners of his lips and suddenly held the back of her head, as if angrily sealing her lips.