At Balibao, there was a pile of matters, and if the eldest brother were not around, the second brother, Shu Yu, would not be at ease either. Although he also very much wanted to follow, he trusted the elder brother to take good care of his wife, and by staying behind to guard their rear, he could spare the couple some worries.
Liang Yuening wanted to follow, but was also afraid of causing more chaos; after much thought, he could only bow his head in sullen silence. His skills were not as great as his elder brother, nor as his wife. He clenched his fists, then turned his head and went to the training ground.
"Haoming, you're coming with us." The elder brother called out, and Haoming, expressionless, simply nodded stiffly, yet his eyes seemed to light up a bit, staring intently at his wife.
"That settles it!"
Finally, Liang Zhichen made the final decision.
"Purple chervil!"