Chapter 21 Mutual Destruction_1

These beasts, as he had expected, never intended to let him and his daughter go!

Director Cheng suddenly turned around, his face streaming with tears of blood, staring at Xiang Dongfeng like a vengeful ghost.

Xiang Dongfeng and his bodyguards were frightened and took several steps back.

Xiang Dongfeng, in particular, screamed in terror, "Don't come any closer, don't come any closer..."

His bodyguards also drew the knives and daggers they carried on them, standing in front of Xiang Dongfeng with a cautious look, shielding him inside.

At this moment, Director Cheng, like a grim reaper, focused only on Xiang Dongfeng, his face twisted into a menacing smile as he waved the document bag in his hand, "Xiang Dongfeng, don't you want this anymore?"

Xiang Dongfeng, looking at the terrifying figure of Director Cheng, felt the intense murderous aura emanating from him and swallowed hard in fear, "What, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Hahaha..."

Director Cheng laughed wildly, suddenly, he took out a grenade, pulled the pin, and, clutching the grenade, charged towards Xiang Dongfeng and his men, roaring loudly, "I want your lives, you beasts!"

Xiang Dongfeng and his bodyguards, seeing Director Cheng charging at them with the pin-pulled grenade in hand, all had their eyes wide with horror.

Xiang Dongfeng shouted desperately, "Quick, stop him, stop him..."

But he was afraid of death! His bodyguards were also afraid of death!

His loud cries didn't make the bodyguards swear to protect him to the death. Instead, it awoke them to reality, and they turned and ran, no longer caring about protecting him and leaving him exposed in front of Director Cheng.

Director Cheng charged forward, grabbed Xiang Dongfeng tightly, not caring how much he slapped, scratched, or even bit him, he just wouldn't let go...

Xiang Dongfeng heard him murmuring, "Tongtong, I'm making this beast pay with his life for you! Don't go so fast, wait for daddy, daddy is coming to join you!"

In Xiang Dongfeng's terrified screams, the grenade exploded with a deafening "boom".

Director Cheng and Xiang Dongfeng's bodies were instantaneously blown to bits, blood and flesh flying everywhere...

Those bodyguards who hadn't run far were knocked to the ground by the blast wave of the grenade.

They felt their entire brains spinning, their eardrums seemed to have burst, ringing in their ears, unable to flee.

The car that Cheng Xuetong had driven had exploded some distance from this old place, but many good Samaritans who saw the carnage immediately called the police.

The place where Director Cheng and Xiang Dongfeng died together was right at the entrance of the old place.

Such a big incident immediately alerted Mr. Du, the man behind the old place.

After hearing the report from Pang Zhihua, the general manager of the old place, Mr. Du made a decisive command, "Send someone to secure those bodyguards immediately, report to the Public Security Bureau right away, and make sure to fully cooperate with the comrades for the investigation and evidence collection, understand?"

Pang Zhihua, wiping the cold sweat seeping from his forehead, still bowed respectfully even though Mr. Du was not in front of him, "Understood, understood."

Mr. Du snorted coldly and added, "After this is over, you all come to me personally to receive your punishment!"

When Pang Zhihua heard the words "receive your punishment," his body shuddered, but he didn't dare to have the slightest intention of rebellion, obeying meekly, "Yes, boss."

After hanging up the boss's call, Pang Zhihua immediately dialed the emergency number for the Suzhou Public Security Bureau.

The entire Suzhou Public Security Bureau was shocked to receive the emergency call!

Shen Wenzheng and Director Cheng's driver, Li Ming, regretted so much they could smack their own heads.

They had noticed Director Cheng's unusual behavior, but did not take it seriously.

They had never imagined that such a big incident had happened in Director Cheng's home.

Director Cheng's daughter had been kidnapped, yet Director Cheng had not told anyone in the department. He had even faced the situation alone, choosing such a tragic method to perish together with Xiang Dongfeng, that beast.

Director Cheng, it wasn't worth it! Were your life and Tongtong's life worth the same as the rotten life of a beast like Xiang Dongfeng? It really, really wasn't worth it, ah!

Wiping the tears seeping from the corner of his eyes, Shen Wenzheng was about to lead his team to the scene when he was stopped by Director Cheng's driver, Li Ming. "Captain Shen, don't go yet. I have something from Director Cheng for you, you should see it first!"

Shen Wenzheng was stunned, "What is it?"

Li Ming handed over the key left by Director Cheng and told him, "Director Cheng said he left something for you in the drawer, you'll understand once you see it!"

Shen Wenzheng took the key from his hand and said, "Come, let's go in and take a look together!"


When Shen Wenzheng, Li Ming, and the national police who followed behind, finished reviewing the materials left by Director Cheng and listened to the recording he had left, they were speechless for a while.

Afterward, Shen Wenzheng roared, "Let's go, depart immediately to the scene!"

Shen Wenzheng and the national police raced to the site of the car explosion. When they saw the horrific scene of Director Cheng and Xiang Dongfeng perishing together, they were filled with uncontrollable grief.

With eyes red with fury and sorrow, they wept for their beloved director who had come to such a tragic end, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Shen Wenzheng heard the crying of his own heart, but he could only suppress the agonizing pain inside him, ordering his colleagues from the Public Security Bureau, "Listen up, everyone. Investigate the scene immediately, collect evidence. Don't miss a single clue, do you hear me?"

The crowd responded with a loud roar, "Heard you!"

It seemed that only by yelling could they vent the depression, frustration, and sadness in their hearts.

The crime scene was well preserved, and evidence collection was relatively easy. With testimonies from the staff at The Old Place and a few bodyguards who had suffered minor injuries, Shen Wenzheng and his team quickly completed the evidence-gathering process.

Back at the station, the Mayor of Suzhou, Ren Beiwu, the Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau, Liu Xiuqing (female), and others were already waiting in the conference room, just waiting for Shen Wenzheng, the deputy head of the 928 Special Case Task Force, to return and report the case's progress.

Of course, most importantly was today's report on the serious case involving Director Cheng and his daughter, Cheng Xuetong.

After receiving the notification, Shen Wenzheng organized all the materials for the 928 case in short order, and with Director Cheng's recording in hand, stepped into the conference room.

He shouted loudly, "Reporting!"

Mayor Ren Beiwu of Suzhou gestured for him to come in, "Captain Shen, please come in!"

"Thank you, Mayor Ren!"

Shen Wenzheng sat down, and someone quietly closed the door of the conference room.

Today's meeting was a secret and important one.

All the attendees were influential figures from their respective departments.

The people involved in both the 928 cases and the tragic deaths of Director Cheng and his daughter, which were being discussed today, were also significant figures in Suzhou.