Chapter 222: One Who Commits Injustice Will Ultimately Bring About His Own Demise 2_1

Shen Tianxing picked up on the concern in the old Master Dugu and the old Madam's voices and hurriedly replied, "Grandpa, Grandma, don't worry about me. I am fine. This little wind and drizzle, I don't even take it seriously."

Old Master Dugu spoke with a severe face, voice resounding firmly, "Good, as long as you are fine, Xiaoxing. We will deal with this matter immediately! Rest assured, with us here, no one will dare to bully you!"

Hearing the old Master's protective words, Shen Tianxing's eyes filled with warmth, and she said with a choked voice, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

After Shen Tianxing hung up the phone, the National Internet Surveillance Bureau had already swiftly removed the posts to prevent further escalation of the impact.

The President's Residence office also issued a lawyer's letter as soon as possible, declaring that they would definitely bring those who slandered Shen Tianxing to justice, without leniency.