Chapter 013 There's Someone Upstairs_1

Jiang Ruan got off the car, pulling her suitcase as she walked into the apartment complex.

It was a high-end residential area.

Called Clearwater Bay.

It was the house that Lu Yiyu found for her. Considering her special needs, this was a newly opened complex, with not many residents yet.

The apartment he rented for her was a private property owned by his friend. It was quite a good place.

She walked along a small road, the deeper inside she went, the fewer people she saw.

Because the building was far in, there were not many residents, and since it was late into the night, there were little to no people active in the area.

Finally, she arrived at a building.

Jiang Ruan looked up at it.

This was a six-story apartment building, with lights only on the second and third floor in two or three homes, while the upper floors were empty. The fifth floor where she was going to stay was in the middle, so it would not be disturbed.

She stared at the building in front of her.