Chapter 016: Beginning to Cheat and Deceive_1

Shi Tingbai was staring at his phone in disbelief.

What the hell...?

This damned woman was the first to dare hang up on him!

He was angry enough to want to flay her!

He had never suffered such indignity before!

* *

A day later, Jiang Ruan visited the South China Hospital again, this time to the inpatient section.

She entered the lobby and headed straight up to the fifth floor without stopping.

That's where Shi Tingbai was staying.

As she got to the door of the hospital room, she heard the young man's volatile voice from inside.

"Can't you even insert a needle? You missed three times, do you have Parkinson's?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, let me try again..."

"Get lost! How can you persist with your bottom-tier intelligence respectively."

After that, the sound of equipment falling on the floor could be heard.

Jiang Ruan paused for two seconds at the door, then stepped inside.