Chapter 018 My Number Is......_1

He walked up to her, bent down, and she lifted her head.

Their gazes collided and their breaths intermingled.

"Open your mouth, ah." The man's voice was steady and emotionless, exuding a chilling feeling that seeped into her bones. Amid the hot day, his voice held a magical power that calmed the heart, and he gently lifted her chin, gripping her cheek between two fingers. His warm body temperature made her shiver slightly.

She squinted her eyes, obediently complying by opening her mouth.

This pose... peculiarly resembled a kiss.

There was a vexing intimacy rubbing off.

And yet, his expression was cold to the bone, strictly based on his professional obligation.

It's hard to believe that such a lonely man could be a doctor.

Fu Chi looked down at her glossy lips, appearing to be tinted with candy color due to the candy she was eating, with an unfinished pink candy hidden under her tongue.

Probably, it was peach-flavored.