Chapter 027: Do You Know About Bricklaying? _1

At such close range, the ominous aura that shrouded the man was even more terrifying. He was tall with a good build and extraordinarily good looks, but an ice-cold air seemed to envelop him, as though wherever he went, he would transform everything into frost.

Jiang Ruan just glanced at him, showing no change of expression as they passed each other.

The man didn't spare her a second glance either.

The moment he walked past her, she turned her head to gaze at his retreating back.

The wrist at her side turned slightly.

Without any hesitation, she charged at him at a great speed, and the moment before her fist was about to strike.

The man evaded abruptly, showing an astounding alertness.

He evaded Jiang Ruan's attack.

Luo Tingfeng's cold eyes stared at the person in front of him. Before he could think, the other party attacked again. The other's fighting skills were terrifying and unbelievably fast.

His dark eyes narrowed and he stepped back steadily.