Chapter 025 - Hit and Run, Farewell to the World of Martial Arts_1

Her eyes hinted mischief, a rogue-like curl at the corners of her mouth. The wind had tousled her broken strands of hair, obscuring her peach blossom eyes, such that others couldn't distinguish mischief lingering beneath.

"Damn it! Kill this bitch!"

Over there, the hooligan who was kicked by Jiang Ruan clung to his belly and roared in fury.

The people who had been stunned finally regained their senses. They felt humiliated because they were beaten by a girl.?

How would they live it down if word got out?

"They've got a death wish!"

"Damn it!"

The sounds around were in a mess, and provoked by anger, those guys charged at Jiang Ruan in unison. Jiang Ruan licked her lips and smiled.

Over there, Shi Tingbai widened his eyes and hastily stood up from the bench.

He just wanted to intimidate this woman, not actually harm her!

Had these people gone mad?!

Something didn't seem right.