Chapter 040 Do You Think You Own The School? _1


Half-lidded peach blossom eyes, a voice laced with a sexy magnetism, Jiang Ruan stared unblinkingly at the young girl.

Increasingly bewildered, the girl didn't dare make eye contact with her.



Only then did Jiang Ruan raise her head and see the stern-faced instructor in front of her, staring at her coldly, as if trying to tear her apart with his gaze.

"Did you call me?" she cocked her head to the side.

She seemed so languid.

This nonchalant attitude made the surrounding students gasp in surprise.

They had experienced the terror of this instructor yesterday, and now seeing Jiang Ruan's carefree demeanor, they thought it was a death wish.

Even Shi Tingbai from the back frowned.

He didn't dare to provoke that devilish instructor lightly. This woman, what was she thinking...

The instructor's face darkened even more, "So you're Jiang Ruan, right? The one absent yesterday was you?"

This was the first time he saw such a reckless student.