Chapter 044 Which Man Would Be So Desperate as to Fancy You_1

Actually, Jiang Ruan was not surprised at all that this was happening.

Young girls are prone to comparisons. From her first day, she had been targeted by the girls, she assumed out of jealousy for her good looks.

Jiang Ruan scoffed ambiguously without responding.

She was not going to be upset over such a childish game.

Without saying a word, she turned to leave.

The two girls were annoyed. Had she just ignored their rants?

"Hey! Where are you getting the nerve to be so arrogant?"

One of them yelled at Jiang Ruan's retreating figure.

Jiang Ruan didn't stop.

She was nonchalant from beginning to end.


"Shut up, or get out!"

Suddenly, an impatient and cold voice cut through, abruptly ending the scene.

The expressions of the two girls changed subtly, seemingly out of fear, or perhaps something else.

Shi Tingbai approached with a gloomy face, glanced at them both, then at Jiang Ruan's retreating figure.