Chapter 60 Mute Girl_1

Shinan Winery.

People in uniforms are moving around in the courtyard.

Vehicle by vehicle is stopping, transporting large quantities of wine products.

A girl is squatting on the ground busy at work, directing great strength to load large boxes of deluxe wine into vehicles while taking inventory.

"Cheng Xu, someone is looking for you."

Came the voice of a co-worker from behind her.

Cheng Xu looked up, her eyes devoid of emotion and she looked a bit naïve.

Her long hair was tied in a low ponytail, skin delicate and fair, and facial features refined. She couldn't be called beautiful, rather, just quite ordinary.

"It's in the exhibition room ahead, go take a look," her colleague pointed.

Cheng Xu nodded in confusion, said nothing and turned towards the direction indicated.