Chapter 062 Seeking Death Like a Stupid Thing_1

A small alley at the corner of the street.


A slender figure was forcefully thrown against the wall, her back hit it with a muffled noise.

The enormous force made her hair spread out, with her black hair band slipping off.

The man leading the pack nonchalantly approached, a cigarette clenched in his mouth, puffing out smokes, his peripheral vision fixed on Jiang Ruan.

"Called Jiang Ruan?"

Jiang Ruan half-closed her eyes, staring at him, his arrogance and lawlessness soaring.

Looking at her expression, the man continued, "In this world, power, money, status, are the root of all arrogance."

He flicked the ash, and pressed the cigarette butt directly onto Jiang Ruan's shoulder.

A sharp and sarcastic tone, "And you, what do you have?"

This woman's information, he had checked. From some backwater place came a pitiful creature who dared to clash with Lou Xingyue?

Who gave her the courage?