Chapter 064 Doctor Fu's character collapsed_1

Kevin didn't dare to let up, his hands were still supporting Jiang Ruan's waist.

"Let's go home first. You're still running a high fever, do you want me to carry you?"

He was too occupied coaxing to notice the figure standing under the old tree up ahead, trailing behind Jiang Ruan.

This girl can't touch a drop of alcohol. One, it disrupts her ability, accelerating the life drain in her body. Two, she actually gets drunk! One drop and she's drunk!

And, she was prone to getting rowdy when she's drunk.

"Get away."

Jiang Ruan pushed Kevin away, her gaze was fixed on the figure lurking in the shadows ahead.

"Hey! Lady, if you keep being stubborn and something happens, my boss will chop me up and feed me to the dogs!"

Kevin was about to pull her back.

But a pair of hands were quicker than him.

Two hands slipped under Jiang Ruan's arms, gently pulling her close. The surgical knife in his hand, gleaming coldly, pointed straight at Kevin's heart.