Chapter 074 Giving Underwear to Dr. Fu_1

Jiang Ruan went straight back to her apartment.

Sitting in front of her computer, she worked tirelessly to unravel the method used to hack the surveillance, but ended up with no leads on who the perpetrator might be.

She should know all of the more notable figures.

She didn't believe it was mere coincidence.

Because not only was the surveillance by the river hacked, even the monitors around the winery were completely blacked out. It felt like... Someone was helping her.

So, who could this extraordinary person be?

Unable to come up with answers, she leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath, deciding not to overthink it. If someone was indeed helping her, she would eventually find out who. There was no need to make it harder for herself now.

As for Qin Ming...

He was already dealt with, saving her the trouble.

However, she had to find out why he wanted to harm her.

The bowl of porridge she had just eaten was almost digested.