Chapter 076 Where did the dude learn to brag_1

Upon hearing Jiang Ruan noticed his car, Ge Zhengfei's eyes sparkled a little. He patted the car door and raised his chin involuntarily, "I just bought it. I've been working for over a year, it's good to have a car, bought it for the sake of convenience, planning to settle down here."

His tone was cheerful. His former simplicity was gone, only arrogance brought by the big city, and a bit of show-off was left.

In reality, he'd just taken delivery yesterday. After he heard about Jiang Ruan's situation, he couldn't help but drive his new car over for a spin, a sign of unconsciously competitive behavior even he didn't notice.

Jiang Ruan let out an 'oh', sincerely saying, "You're pretty badass, bro."

Ge Zhengfei pushed his glasses up with a triumphant look in his eyes, "The competition is pretty tough these days, you can't necessarily find a good job even if you graduate from a prestigious university. But don't worry, I can help you out when the time comes."