Chapter 084 Your Sister Ruan Won't Spoil You_1

"This is not suitable for children, little girl, don't ask."

Jiang Ruan raised an eyebrow at the little girl.

There was a playful and teasing look in her peach blossom eyes that made the little girl's heart race with an embarrassed blush.

Zhuang Ke quietly fumbled her fingers, stealing a glance at the boy beside her who seemed like he'd just been struck by lightning, full of disbelief. She remained quiet and didn't say anything.

"Tingbai? What's wrong with you? Do you feel unwell?"

From behind, Fu Jiajia approached, worriedly checking the boy's forehead when she noticed his unwell expression.

Shi Tingbai seemed to wake up from a dream and instinctively pushed Fu Jiajia's hand away.

He glanced fiercely at Jiang Ruan and turned to leave.

As he reached the door, he even kicked over a sandbag stand.

Everyone: "..."

Zhuang Ke cautiously approached Jiang Ruan, her voice timid, "Xiaoruan, what's wrong with him?"