Chapter 082 Miss Fu Who Wants to Be Taught by The Piano Master_1

Baffled within, she took out her phone and opened WeChat.

She opened the chat box with Fu Chi.

Quickly drafted a message.

[Is Doctor Fu going to give a special lecture at our school?]

There was no response for a long time.

Jiang Ruan thought for a moment, perhaps he was busy, and put away her phone.


She had to continue military training in the afternoon. The weather in September was still heart-wrenching, everyone on the field was sweating and doing various training tasks.

Jiang Ruan didn't publicly opt out of the training and gave face to the coach. Being too ostentatious wasn't a good thing, and it wasn't bad to play with them during her free time.

Although these were the children of the elite, the training was still harsh to the point of insanity. Once here, they were merely students, regardless of their identity. This is why West City University has always been at the top for so many years.

In addition to some regular training, there was also shooting training.