Chapter 117: Soft, Sweet, Like_1

A weak breath sprinkled across his eye, carrying a whiff of fruity sweetness.

Fu Chi froze, forgetting all movement while maintaining his bent position.

Jiang Ruan stepped back, tilting her head to look at the man's face, close at hand. A small smile curved at the corners of her lips.

"What does it feel like?" she asked.

The man slowly opened his eyes, which seemed shrouded in a hazy fog, a lingering sense of dampness about them.

"How does it feel?" she asked again.

She squinted her eyes and leaned in closer, exhaling lightly.

He finally snapped back to reality.

His adam's apple bobbed, his voice noticeably coarse.


"Anything else?"


"Anything more?"


Every question received an answer.

So soft it was unbelievable, provoking a strong urge to tease mercilessly.

Jiang Ruan raised her hand, her cool, smooth fingertips lightly grazing his eyelids, then she adjusted his glasses back on his nose.