Chapter 122 Lou Luchuan_1

"Brother, why is it so dark here?"

Lou Xingyue was led to the number two seat and she could hardly see anything in front of her. She carefully moved her steps, holding her skirt.

The man sitting on the sofa looked up at Lou Xingyue and stretched out his hand towards her: "There's a problem with the line, it should be fixed soon, sit here."

He took Lou Xingyue's arm and helped her sit next to him.

"How have you been feeling lately? What did your attending physician say?"

The man's voice was gentle as he fondled his Buddha beads. It was light and airy, lacking any clear emotion.

Lou Xingyue lowered her eyes and tightened her grip unconsciously, "I'm doing well, no relapses."

The man lightly smiled: "Indeed, it seems like a long time since you last visited the hospital."

Lou Xingyue responded faintly.

"Your Aunt He mentioned you seem to be quite interested in that heart surgeon? Called what was it...Chi?"

There was a trace of amusement in his voice.