Chapter 124 We Don't Know Each Other _1

Fu Chi looked up, his beautiful phoenix eyes veiled in a layer of mist, seemingly lost.

Being stared at so attentively by such a pair of eyes, it felt as if her heart was being tugged at by a hook that was heated in fire.

Jiang Ruan glanced at his mobile phone screen, displaying her number.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Looking for me?" She shook his mobile phone in her hand, licked her cheeks, and laughed mockingly.

Fu Chi looked at her and took out a ticket from his pocket.

"To watch a performance."

Jiang Ruan arched her lip: "Which star are you here to see?"

Fu Chi gazed at her, "Zhou Qiyue."

He didn't pay attention to the name of the band; this name, however, left a deep impression.

"Oh." Jiang Ruan nodded knowingly and continued to ask, "Which song of theirs do you like?"

The man stayed silent for a while before saying, "I am here to see you."

Jiang Ruan looked into the man's beautiful eyes and couldn't hold back her laughter, handing his phone back to him.