Chapter 126 Ruanruan, I Can Explain_1

Jiang Ruan met with the man's deep black eyes, above the corridor, the window reflected the twinkling stars, a moonlight veil shimmering as it filtered through the glass and cast onto the man's side.

He was unimaginably attractive.

He stood silently, his gaze constantly fixed on her.

From her angle, she could clearly see the lump in his throat bobbing up and down.

His emotions seemed a bit unsettled.

Unaccountably, a little pitiful.

Jiang Ruan tilted her head.

Her peach eyes were half-closed and full of wildness, with a smile that wasn't quite a smile at the corners of her lips. It appears as if nothing had changed.

"Dr. Fu, could you please step aside?"

She lifted her chin slightly, indicating the door that he was blocking.

Fu Chi didn't move or respond, but his eyes never left her face.

Jiang Ruan just chuckled and didn't say anything more.

She continued to climb the last few steps.

She took out her keys to unlock the door.