Chapter 163 Ruanruan, Stop Fooling Around_1

The wind whistled outside the window, the cold moon hidden behind a blanket of clouds, painting the sky an infinite deep hue.

They were back in Room 501.

The girl on his back had already fallen asleep, her shallow breaths misting his neck, warm and ticklish.

Fu Chi moved as softly as possible, making his way to her bedroom, tiptoeing towards the bed. He dared not breathe too loudly, afraid of waking the sweetly sleeping girl.

He gently settled Jiang Ruan on the bed, his hand supporting the back of her head to lay her flat.

Only then did he let out a slight breath.

The room was dark, with half of her face hidden in the pillow, sleeping with complete defenses down.

He watched her for a long time.

The man then curled a slight smile, a low chuckling laughter escaping his throat.

Softening the darkness of the night.

"Trusting me to this extent."

He tucked her blanket, his voice barely there.

But, he admitted, he was indeed quite happy.