Chapter 165 I'm Only Fond of You_1

Fu Chi's face was extraordinary, and his body was just as impressive.

Broad shoulders, slender waist, and lean hips, with muscles evenly and beautifully distributed, not overly prominent, sexy, and exquisite.

At that moment, his black hair was slightly damp. Water droplets slid down from his chin onto his collarbone, creating an incredibly stunning scene.

Jiang Ruan couldn't help but cough.

Her face turned bright red.

Usually, she handled flirtation effortlessly, but facing this upfront, the feeling was quite different, making even this old-hand blush slightly.

She silently repeated a calming mantra in her heart.

Fu Chi seemed not to notice the fleeting expression on her face, he walked straight toward her, bringing a whiff of shower gel fragrance.

"It's not good to drink milk on an empty stomach. What would you like to eat? I can make something for you."

He glanced at the empty milk bottle on the table, his voice unhurried, incredibly alluring.