Chapter 171 Slam on the Brakes_1

The man's kiss was not at all like his usual grace and elegance, instead, it had a harsh edge to it. His warm and intoxicating breath overwhelmed her, shrouding her in its cocoon, leaving no room for anything else.

Jiang Ruan was dazed for a few seconds, but didn't back away. Her arm hooked around the man's neck, pulling him down towards her.

Taking advantage, he pulled her even closer to his chest.

In the confined space of the chair, she was fully engulfed within him, leaving no room for anything else.

Her mind was adrift, her senses consumed by nothing else but the man before her, filled with a yearning almost unbearable.


In her daze, she could hear a trembling, low voice filled with shattered pleasure.

The sound ate away all her senses, leaving them in shreds.


Outside the door, a shadow stood still.