Chapter 175: Your family... Fu Chi?_1

In the hall, a good number of business elites have already arrived. They all looked splendid and noble, talking in pairs or small groups.

Right in front of her.

She had a vivid memory of that figure.

The woman was wearing a very fitting black suit that accentuated her figure. Her curly hair was well-styled and smooth, and her makeup was exquisite, making her eyebrows and eyes even more stunning, elegant and noble.

Next to her was a woman who appeared to be extraordinarily well-preserved, looking no older than forty, dignified and composed, with a sharp glint in her eyes.

The two bore a striking resemblance to each other.

Ke Qing, and... Fu Chi's cousin whom she met at the award ceremony last time.

The two were chatting with people over there.

Jiang Ruan's pace slowed a bit.

This woman had left a deep impression on her, the only time she had a falling-out with Fu Chi, it was because of this woman.

She turned out to be Ke Qing's daughter.