Chapter 197 Don't fail him, he only has you_1

Jiang Ruan's eyes trembled slightly.

In front of her, as if that fierce and devouring fire appeared, which burned everything, destroyed a home, and plunged a person into boundless hell.

Inside her mind, the words that Fu Chi had previously said to her reverberated.

"My mother was burned to death alive, when she died, I was locked in a dark room less than ten meters from her."

"I couldn't escape, I couldn't save her."

"She wasn't ill, but everyone said she was mad."


A chilly wind brushed her face.

Jiang Ruan felt her hands and feet were unspeakably cold.

At that time, she couldn't really understand his emotions, but standing in this area now, she felt as if her heart and lungs were being kneaded together.

His own mother was burned alive in front of his eyes, with him witnessing everything, yet he was powerless.

How despairing and painful must he have been then?

How did he bear it all in the time that followed?