Chapter 203 Agree to Participate in the Competition_1

Jiang Ruan squinted, "Registration form? What registration form?"

The woman on the other side of the line hummed, "Didn't you sign up for the piano competition at Yinding Concert Hall? What are you doing entering such a contest? You don't even have much skill."

Perhaps, in the eyes of those people, this competition is a hugely influential event in their circle. she acknowledged that anyone who could participate was somewhat competent.

But for a freak like Jiang Ruan...

"I registered...?"

Jiang Ruan looked at the ongoing traffic in front of her, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

When on earth did she register?

"Hold on, I'll send you a photo of it. I'll add you on WeChat, make sure to accept."

Xu Ru realized there was something wrong as well.

That's right, someone as indifferent as Jiang Ruan, who only had interest in good looks and not much else, certainly wouldn't be interested in such hollow carp, how could she participate in such a juvenile competition?