Chapter 201: Social Brother Xiaobai Rabbit_1

When Shi Tingbai was asked that, he raised his hand and looked at his skinny wrist.

It was a sentence in French.

It actually looked quite nice.

The middle-aged big shot who did it looked unreliable, but his tattooing skills were solid.

"I don't know, the tattoo artist just tattooed whatever he wanted."

He shrugged indifferently.

At first, that big shot even said that the translated meaning of this tattoo was resilience, motivation, and potency.

Jiang Ruan blinked, "Where did you get it done?"

Is your conscience not prickling at all for deceiving such a little white rabbit?

Shi Tingbai looked at her, and after pursing his lips, he said quietly, "The psychologist you recommended last time also does tattoos part-time."

Jiang Ruan: "..."


Wait a minute...

Did she really lead him into this trap?

Did he really go?

In fact, that address was just from a small ad she saw on the street. She remembered it because of her good memory.