10. Fly Over Teaching Building_1

"Ren He, which high school do you want to go to?" At the flag-raising ceremony, Little Fatty Xu Nuo asked Ren He in a low voice beside him.

"Number One High, of course. Isn't it the best?" Ren He replied matter-of-factly.

"No joke, for real. Right now, all the classmates are discussing where they're preparing to test into," Xu Nuo knew how difficult it was to get into Number One High, so when Ren He said he wanted to test into there, Xu Nuo thought he was just kidding.

"Who's joking with you?" Ren He answered nonchalantly, yet his gaze had already soared past the flagpole and looked towards the two academic buildings behind, "Hey, do you think if someone falls from the top of the teaching building, would they definitely die?"

"Why study such a thing if you have nothing better to do?" Xu Nuo said with a shiver: "Don't get any weird ideas, alright? It's just high school. You can go to a slightly less prestigious one and still attend school!"

"Shut up, why so loud? The homeroom teacher is upfront looking at you," Ren He muttered softly, scaring Xu Nuo into quickly looking towards the line of students at the front, indeed noticing the middle-aged, balding homeroom teacher giving him a cold stare. Xu Nuo immediately retracted his head.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of Ren He's mouth, finding school quite interesting. To tell the truth, most people who have struggled in society probably have one big dream: to go back to school, right?

No pressure, no worries, the so-called stress of studying, the dissatisfaction of the teachers, when you look back after starting work, it all seems quite laughable, and you wonder why you used to be so afraid of the teachers.

When the first class ended, Xu Nuo was just about to call Ren He out for some fresh air when he discovered Ren He had already dashed upstairs along the staircase; upstairs were the high school classrooms, and as far as Xu Nuo knew, Ren He had no acquaintances up there.

He suddenly recalled the question Ren He asked him that morning: "Hey, do you think if someone falls from the top of the teaching building, would they definitely die?"

In that moment, Xu Nuo's hairs stood on end! Oh my god! Surely not?! While dragging his own hefty body up the stairs, he shouted, "Ren He! Don't have such dark thoughts! Please don't jump off the building!"

The louder he shouted, the more urgent it became, but because Ren He had already run far, he didn't hear it at all, yet this instantly made everyone turn their heads and look, causing the students to explode: "What?! The Ren He from Class 2, Grade 9 is going to jump off the building?!"

"Damn! Is it real?"

"Hurry up to the top floor to see!"

"Don't go up, look from downstairs!"

As a result, just as Ren He was running upstairs, there were already several hundred teachers and students gathered below, watching the spectacle!

The faster Ren He ran upstairs, the more courage he gathered in his heart. He could feel his blood flowing faster, his heart beating more violently, adrenaline rushing through him rapidly, and he was getting incredibly pumped.

In his past life, someone had once asked him if there were only 5 minutes left before the end of the world, what would he do?

After thinking for five minutes, Ren He answered: I'd want to play with fate.

If life only had 5 minutes remaining, then play big. The restless blood and genes were always pulsing in his bones; he had more than once fantasized about flying.

In this life, there was no end of the world, yet there was the Divine Punishment System, which would annihilate him within a month if he failed. That wasn't much different from the end of the world, but right now, Ren He wasn't scared; he was excited!

He liked a saying very much, because of mediocrity, hence everything is wrong.

In this life, he was destined to be extraordinary!

Ren He had already charged to the rooftop, and like a gust of wind, he sprinted to the edge of the terrace.

However, at this moment, he wasn't the only one on the rooftop. There was also the couple he had encountered during his previous reconnaissance. They had been caught in an intimate moment and sheepishly ran off then, but this time they didn't even have the chance to run. All they could do was watch, as the male student stared dumbfounded at Ren He's retreating figure, murmuring, "No way..."

Then Ren He slightly lowered his body, lifted his right leg, and fiercely stomped his left leg into the ground. The sound of his stomp was unforgettable, resonating with intent, as if it was the trembling of life itself.

The veins on Ren He's neck bulged as he exerted all his effort, waiting only for fate's verdict!

Downstairs, numerous people were looking up in anticipation when suddenly someone shouted, "Look, he jumped!"

"He's not jumping down, he's trying to jump to the opposite teaching building!"

"Has he gone mad?!"


The morning sun blazed brightly as Ren He's silhouette overlapped with the sun in the sky. At that moment, everyone felt as if they were watching a classic scene from a movie, believing they would never forget this moment in their lifetime!

Ren He stretched out his body in the air, his feet already preparing for the landing. Even then, he managed a glance to the side, where he suddenly noticed a girl in a white dress carrying a clean backpack entering the campus under her parent's supervision. As he watched the girl, she too looked up at him, and their gazes collided in mid-air.

It was the girl who, in that moment, under the sunshine at the school gate, planted a blazing, vibrant flower in Ren He's heart!

Immediately afterwards, distracted by that moment, Ren He landed sprawled out in a spread-eagle on the rooftop of the opposite teaching building, exclaiming, "Damn, that hurts like hell!"

The couple at the rooftop where Ren He had started his jump were completely dumbfounded, standing there unsure of what to do. The boy wrapped his arm around the girl, "Don't be scared, don't be scared, he's not dead..."

The girl spoke with a trembling voice, "Stop shaking..."

At this point, Little Fatty Xu Nuo rushed up, shouting all the way, "Ren He! Ren He! Are you alright, Ren He? Where are you? Please don't jump!"

Ren He had already picked himself off the ground and burst into laughter, "This is what they call 'a great disaster brings forth a blessing.' Wait and see, Little Fatty, I'll be treating you to good food and drinks!"

"You're still in the mood to joke about this?" Xu Nuo yelled, frantic, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Let's not talk about that," Ren He waved a hand, "I'm fine. Just wait a moment, I'll jump back and tell you."

With that last jump, Ren He suddenly fell in love with the thrill of risking it all. The moment in the air, just before he saw the girl at the school gate, he thought that he had finally dared to risk his life, and it didn't matter even if he had died right there!

Damn, it was exhilarating!

Honestly, he was starting to look forward to the next mission!

But upon hearing that he would jump back, Xu Nuo was terrified, "Big bro, let's talk about this. Can you please come back down the stairs safely? The whole school is watching! The teachers are going to rush up here soon, and if you jump again, get ready to be expelled!"

After hearing this, Ren He glanced down at the dense crowd below, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Fine, I'll meet you back in class!" However, as for being expelled, he wasn't the least bit worried.

In the blink of an eye, only the couple still hugging each other were left on the rooftop...