18. Golden Alliance_1

1.0 physical fitness? What does that mean? Ren He didn't understand! He only felt a warm current flowing into his body, and he actually felt that his vision had improved a lot, his thinking became sharper, and he had significantly more strength!

"What does 1.0 physical fitness mean? Can you explain it in detail?"

"A normal adult's standard physical fitness is 3, which includes logical thinking ability, strength, stamina, vision, hearing, taste, smell, etc. The baseline is 480 pounds of punching power, and 1.0 represents 160 pounds of explosive force, and so on. Before receiving the reward, your physical fitness was 1.61."

So it was an award for directly enhancing one's physique after completing a task! There were even such rewards!

Wouldn't that mean if he were to attempt the Leap Teaching Building task now, it would be much easier?

It seemed that his physical fitness from his junior high years was only half that of an adult, no wonder he was so weak, and now does that mean he was close to an adult's physical fitness levels?

If he received several more rewards, wouldn't he find extreme sports much easier compared to others?

Holy shit, wouldn't that be like cheating, not having to worry about running out of energy while free climbing?

Ren He was even more eager for future tasks!


Back when Ren He was on White Cloud Mountain, as he released his scheduled chapters, all authors began to stir.

Everyone kept refreshing the bestseller and subscription lists, which are two ways to check the performance of other books. The bestseller list showed the real-time sales of books, while the subscription list was for checking real-time subscriptions.

In the authors' group chat, everyone waited for the list to update: "What do you guys think his book's performance will be?"

"Looking at the reactions to the recommendation votes and the collections, it should be around an average of 5000 subscriptions on the launch day, right?"

"5000? That much? Surely not, he's just a newbie."

"God of Dust has been promoting him during this time, look at how many recommendation votes he gets daily, and the comments have already surpassed 40,000. Nothing is impossible."

"I still think 5000 is overestimated, 3000 is more like it, considering he's a newbie."

"Okay, there's no point in arguing about this. Although his book is popular, let's not overestimate it too much. Do you guys remember that book from last year? The one that was artificially inflated!"

"I remember, buying recommendation votes and collections, and at launch, it had 120,000 collections but the subscription performance flopped miserably, ending hastily after 500,000 words."

"Do you guys think this book could be the same? That they're buying artificial success?"

However, at that moment, something unprecedented happened on the website of Golden Alliance Web Novel Platform—no matter which page you opened, a pop-up message with fireworks appeared!

"Congratulations to Drunkard for joining the ranks of the Golden Alliance for Divine Books!"

Everyone was stunned. Holy shit! The Golden Alliance! Big brother, you really have the money!

The Golden Alliance required a donation of 100,000 yuan to join, which meant that Drunkard had given Divine Books a whopping 100,000 yuan on the day of its launch!

"I remember someone mentioned before that Drunkard left a message saying there would be a big gift for the launch..."

"So this is the big gift...the Golden League!"

"I wish I had a big gift..."

"Dream on. In the whole Golden Alliance platform, only a few bigwigs have ever received the Golden League status."

After a few seconds of calm, everyone said, "His achievements definitely aren't inflated, the Golden League proves everything."

"We've all read this Book of the Gods, and we know how exciting it is. Do you think God of Dust would promote his chapter if the quality wasn't good?"

"Let's just wait for the list to refresh; I want to see how many average subscriptions he'll actually get."

"The monthly ticket list has refreshed first, go check it out! Divine Books is first on the new book monthly ticket list, and 9th on the overall monthly list!"

Ninth on the overall list, everyone was flabbergasted. A new book could make it onto the monthly overall rankings? You must be kidding.

As everyone checked the monthly ticket chart, they all gasped in amazement. Only then did they remember that donations come with monthly tickets, with every 100 yuan donated equating to one monthly ticket. That meant Drunkard's Golden League had basically handed the divine book 1000 monthly tickets!

The first day of October and already over 1000 monthly tickets; it was simply terrifying.

"Looks like his new book is firmly seated at number one on the monthly ticket list..."

"Plus, did you see? He has several league masters too!"

"Let me count, 1, 2, 3... 11! Damn, a rookie's new work, and on the day of launch, there are 11 league masters, what kind of joke is this!"

"I've been writing for 9 years, only to be utterly outshone by a rookie..."

"I kind of don't even want to see his subscription results now, afraid it'll hit me hard..."

"Let's go play games, no more looking, no more!"

"Break it up, break it up!"


After receiving a reward from the Divine Punishment System, Ren He immediately opened his author backend to first check his subscription results!

To be honest, when it was finally time to check his results, he felt nervous: "Please don't flop, I'm counting on this book to provide for my family."

However, when he saw his subscription results, he was somewhat astonished. He had scheduled five chapters the day before with a highest subscription of 7921 and an average subscription of 7812!

Ren He took a deep breath to calm his emotions. One should know that this was the highest first subscription record of his life. Although it was still a distance from ten thousand, he was still a rookie!

He had no established reader base!

Those supreme deities each had readers accumulated over several years, just their stable readers amounting to tens of thousands, something Ren He could not immediately catch up with.

Moreover, average subscriptions, something that grows during serialization after various recommendations from the website, increase. The game-related novel he wrote in his past life only had an initial subscription of 1300, but by the end, it had reached over 3000.

In other words, those 7000-plus average subscriptions were not his limit.

Ren He felt relieved; as long as he wrote his book well, it certainly wouldn't flop.

He opened other stats to check, and when he saw that aside from Drunkard's Golden League, there were 10 other readers who had donated to become league masters, he felt rather moved. He wrote books to make money, but that didn't stop him from being grateful when he saw others supporting him.

Drunkard commented, "The big gift has been given, as Kid said before, one league one update, so how many updates should my Golden League get? Hahaha just kidding, don't force it, your health is important, and I'm still looking forward to your exciting continuation!"

Another league master commented below, "Haha, I also followed Brother Drunkard to join in the fun, but author, don't overwork yourself for the sake of more updates."

Amid his emotions, Ren He posted a single chapter: "I can only repay the readers' kindness with a burst of updates, now watch me perform. Then, please follow me in a charge upon the rankings!"

In web literature, there's an essential step before going live: one must save up chapters. Ren He published the remaining five chapters he had saved at once, and all the readers were shouting with satisfaction in the comments! Drunkard and the other 13 league masters started jokingly calling themselves the divine book's 13 Knights, charging into battle on the rankings with Ren He!

Even God of Dust occasionally came to the commentary area to act cute.

This was a virtuous cycle; stimulated by the additional updates, the divine book's donations increased. By the end of the 24 hours, the rookie's new work had already garnered 18 league masters.

And after each new league master donated, they would comment: "Knight number 14 reporting for duty."

"Knight number 15 reporting for duty."



"Knight number 18 reporting for duty!"