56, Forever on the Road_1

The incident where the main entrance of the Capital Journalism Group was surrounded by a crowd became big news in Capital city that very same day, and the most important reason for this was that everyone heard it was over demands for daily serialization of "Kunlun," which immediately sparked their interest: "Why don't we go protest, too?!"

"That doesn't seem right..."

"Don't you want to see 'Kunlun' every day?"

"Let's go, let's go, let's join the protest!"

When Zhou Wumeng arrived back at the headquarters of the Capital Journalism Group in the evening, he gasped at the sight of the crowd that was three layers thick both inside and outside, surrounding the main entrance. By then, the police had arrived but were unable to persuade the protestors, who demanded that the Capital Daily serialize "Kunlun" every day, or else they wouldn't leave!