116. The Knight's Gaze (10th Update for Monthly Votes!)_1

Now Ren He can skip class for a day and no teacher bothers about him; they've become used to it. In terms of academics, he might as well be invisible.

Truth be told, the teachers had discussed among themselves. Aside from causing some mischief before, Ren He could now even be considered one of the most honest students: he doesn't talk or disrupt the class during lessons, just hugging his phone, not knowing what he's up to, and not bothering anyone...

Generally speaking, although such a student wouldn't be the teachers' favorite, they wouldn't be rejected either.

But why has it now come to be that everyone treats him as invisible?

The teachers didn't understand either. It could be his innate temperament...

After skipping class for a day, Ren He returned to find Little Fatty, Xu Nuo's eyes lighting up, "Where were you yesterday?"

"Slept all day," Ren He answered truthfully.