140. The painting technique that seems to leap off the page (third update)_1


Before beginning a sketch, one should develop the habit of observing the unique features of the subject and brewing their emotions. Consider how to portray the subject based on their occupation, age, temperament, hobbies, and what effect you ultimately want to achieve. With a clear plan in mind, the strokes can be bold and swift.

Ren He wasn't planning to draw Yang Xi as she stood in the square at this moment, but rather an image from his heart.

Thus, the female university student who had given up her spot for him didn't even know what he was going to draw at first, feeling that the outlined contour didn't resemble a portrait.

But... something felt strange to her!

Because Ren He's technique was truly skilful, far more so than hers! It's said that an expert is recognized at the outset, for experts possess an entirely different aura the moment they begin.