143, Middle School Exams Like a Tiger (Second Update)_1

On the morning of the middle school exams, Ren He couldn't see Ren or Mrs. Ren; those two probably didn't even know that today was the day of the exams...

Ren He, Yang Xi, and Xu Nuo were in different examination rooms, located in three different schools, so they couldn't go together. They had agreed to meet at the small restaurant by the entrance to Yang Xi's house after the exams that evening.

Examination tools included pencils for marking the answer sheet, black pens, erasers, etc. Ren He also found it interesting; at 26 in his past life, he thought he would never enter an examination room again, yet fate had its quirks, mystically sending him back to relive his student days.

In his past life, before the college entrance exam, a teacher taught them that if they encountered a question they couldn't answer, they should at least copy the question. To put it nicely, the marker might just give you 1 or 2 points for it.